Monday, June 29, 2009

D-day and some food for thought

Finally the day has arrived when the results for the proctored mocks will be available for detailed dissection(what criminal thoughts!!, the devil speaks.). Last time i looked around for the number of students who had given the test but couldn't find any information regarding that metric(if any of you did find it please be kind enough to tell me the exact number or atleast where to look for it in the analysis. While you guys wait for the result anxiously i have some intresting thoughts to share with you people. I recently came accross a very inspiring video of a professor from carnegie melon, Randy Pausch(he died from cancer a few years ago), before his death he gave a lecture based on the topic that if he had only one last lecture to give to his students, then what would he have to say to them, its a very inspirational and emotional lecture. Do watch it when you have the time(infact i am providing the link to the video within this post, take out time for it, its 76 minutes of beautiful inspiration )

P.P.S best of luck for the result guys!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A fillip by CL but i manged just fine in the end.....

The proctored mock 2 proved to be a good learning exprerience with CL introducing sectional time limits, it caught me a bit offguard but at the end i noticed that i ended up doing much better than in the proctored mock 1, the sectional time limit helped me to devote full concentration to each section, the time limits acted as the focal point around which my paper strategy revolved.
Coming to the paper, the EU section was of a good level but not overtly challenging. LRDI was easy but the time limit alloted for it was too less in my view, because the section comprised of three complete sets, i searched for some respite in the form of data sufficiency questions but alas that was not to be, though they did make their appearance in the QA section which was the most well balanced of all the three sections. The percentile predictor mailed me my score, a suitable 99 percentile, though its not the final score but pretty close to it. On 29th the detailed analysis will be put up alogwith the results( how dumb of me to include the latter part in the sentence!!). Watch this space for a complete discussion on the paper.

P.S. good as well as nasty comments are welcome, so start pasting guys!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Finally.... and some serious stuff

Finally the site got some traffic and even a vote on the poll i put up so god bless the fellow who voted, that person sure drinks tata tea(jagoore!, if u remember) and now if we could just get some comments , then that would surely be the proverbial icing on the cake.
The title for this post seems pretty random but let me explain it and if you are astute enough then you can see that the first part has been explained in the first few lines of this post , so now for the second part(the serious stuff). I am going to give the second proctored mock tomorrow, i am looking to target the QA section first, maybe devoting an hour to it, then comes the LRDI section(50 minutes) and then the EU section(40 minutes). The QA section had proved to be my bane in the first proctored mock so i will try to tame the errant beast(i can visualize all my maths teachers of yore and present grinding their teeth!!) first an then go to my most comfortable section,  LRDI and then finally come to the most simple portion(for me, that is) , the lovely EU(nice acronym "eewww"!!!), after the test finishes i visualize myself writing a post boasting of how well i gave the paper(as u can see i could do with some lessons in modesty), but on a serious note i will be discussing the result of my strategy and possibly some questions that i found intresting.
P.S. Has any of you given the mock uptil now, if yes please elaborate your strategy (while berating mine if u choose, not the option for a genlteman, i would believe!) and put up any questrion that u found intresting.

P.S. My tendency to write comments within brackets stems from my programming background.Period.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

comments, anything....oh come on guys!

come on people if you visit this blog, post some comments, anything is welcome, OK, i give it to you you can even abuse me a bit!!!!!, but come on people.........

no comments on even the comments request post.......gosh you guys are just so downright irritating......

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

blah, blah, blah...................

i really am having trouble concentrating, my mind just seems to be wandering or going to sleep by turns, even this post is going to be short as i cannot concentrate on this too!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

maddening crowds, useless research et al, is this is what we have come to be?

There has been a lot on my mind since yesterday, thought i should share it with you guys. Firstly the thing that has hounded me since i have started my engineering ugrad.
100000 engineers annually, over 3000 MBA colleges, 7 premier IIT's and a host of other research institutions, plus state universities to boot and to add to it all- a huge and perhaps the most brightest collection of youth resources in the world, these figures should be enough put any country on the world map as a powerhouse sooner or later, you would think but alas... .
You won't get admission to the IIM's for guessing which country i am talking about, it is my, in fact our beloved India. Lets counter those figures 100000 engineers but only 10% emploable and even fewer who can be counted as true technical flagbearers of the nation, further the amount of people pursuing hopeless degrees for puposes best defined to them is increasing faster than ants on a lump of sugar(poor analogy, don't mind it, but i hope you got the drift). Research that can be put to real use constitutes only a small fraction of the total amount of research being done.
I am not going to point fingers at anybody but i want reasons and those reasons have to come from you guys and this is not the last you will hear from me on this topic........
A million random thoughts wander and force me to pause and ponder(whoa! i am a poet and i did not even know it,(there goes another)). Well i seem to be in a pretty random mood today,but leaving the swings of my mood aside i have some important material to discuss, the second proctored mock CAT is approaching so i will keep the blog updated on that count, watch this space for discussion on good questions as well as my preparation strategy and the whole paper in general so keep in touch people and start posting some comments.......pleaseeeeeee, now this is the limit, i am actually pleading you guys to comment, but well you have to do anything for publicity...ah the demands of the modern world(another random thought).Bye for now

Saturday, June 20, 2009

concepts of various programming languages as well as markup languages and platforms have just been floating around me for the last few days, so i just wanted to know what is your favourite programming language, come on i want lots of views. 


A million stimuli, bombarding my senses everyday have prompted me to write, what will  be a potpurrai collection of my thoughts, some original and some perhaps shaped by the stimulating interactions that i have everyday with my friends and teachers, so people here goes.I hope you all will love it.